This scam has been going on recently, and many people have lost large sums of money as a result of it. It takes advantage of a flaw in the website’s buying and selling process by having a fake seller pose as a real seller, and when he finds a customer, he uses the real seller to deliver the goods.
Here is how it works:
When most buyers go to the Jiji website to look for an item, they call the number listed on the seller’s space, and the seller will tell you that he or she has the item and will send a dispatch rider to you. Following that, if that seller is a scammer, they will contact another genuine seller who has the item you want and ask them to deliver it to the address you provided.
When the dispatch rider delivers the item to you, you check out the item and call the fake seller who is the scammer, and of course, the person you found the item on their page. You then proceed to transfer the item’s price, and after you’ve been debited, you’ll ask the dispatch rider to call the seller to confirm that he or she has received the money.
When the dispatch rider calls the actual seller of the item, the latter will insist on not being paid. That is where the issue begins.
How can you avoid this type of JiJi Scam?
- Watching out for warning signs is one way to avoid this. For instance, it would be suspicious if a phone was ordered as used but was delivered as brand-new. As the saying goes, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Well, it’s simple to say that, now that the benefit of hindsight has been gotten.
- Also, always use the delivery person’s connection anytime, to pay for goods rather than using the contact you found online (since the real buyer usually sends the delivery guy). This will help you avoid falling victim to this scam.
Source: tiktok/@tech_overwatch