Let’s be extra careful o. I spent a week looking for a school’s contact, Bells Uni. I finally found one ...Read more
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Shared on: March 12, 2021In: Other
“Do you need assistance in your admission or you want to upgrade your jamb score call/WhatsApp Mrs. Nkechi on (09047761018)for ...Read more

Shared on: March 12, 2021In: Other
“Call:_09032514504 For help on how to upgrade your result to 250 and above. This message is direct from Jamb Office ...Read more

Shared on: March 11, 2021In: Education
I was making an inquiry about Delsu masters degree program a few days ago when I got redirected to a ...Read more

Shared on: February 5, 2021In: Investment & Business
This thief is posing as Ibadan poly Registrar to scam young,naive and “desperate” admission seekers of their money. My nephew almost ...Read more

Shared on: February 2, 2021In: Education
I remember the afternoon that my younger brother called me that he has gotten a scolarship to study in the ...Read more