There is this telegram channel called VISION UNMASK 2020* Tips.
He presently has over 33k subscribers on his channel. Do no fall victim, he is a scammer and what he does is brain washing people for months, claiming to have been processing fixed matches. He will ask you to subscribe for a fixed match, after that he will create a separate channel for those that paid. He eventually deletes and blocks all of them then continue dealing with the rest people in the channel. This guy is a bloody scammer.

The Scammer’s Telegram Page
freemegaodds telegram scam FREEMEGAODDS TELEGRAM CHANNEL SCAM March 22, 2021 The above named telegram channel is a scam. See below screen shots of after subscribing with 5Us$ what he posts on the Premium VVIP channel and what he later falsely broadcast on FREEMEGAODDS telegram channel. Be the judgeRead more
freemegaodds telegram scam
March 22, 2021
The above named telegram channel is a scam. See below screen shots of after subscribing with 5Us$ what he posts on the Premium VVIP channel and what he later falsely broadcast on FREEMEGAODDS telegram channel. Be the judge and dont be scammed.
This is the scam channel
The below screen shots are what he posts on VVIP channel, we wont show everything.
Now you can compare and contrast the thursday , March 4 2021 games after playing. The following day , this is what he broadcast on freemegaodds channel. You can see some lost games were ommitted here and some lost games were changed to depict that they won.
Another example, on 20th March 2021 what was posted on the VVIP channel isnt what he broadcast on the freemegaodds telegram channel.
See what was posted to the freemegaodds channel the next day
This is what he wrote the following day date 13th March 2021 on the games posted on broadcast channel free mega odds on 12th March 2021
See what was posted on the VVIP channel previous day
You can compare and contrast and be the final judge.
Dont be scammed and make an idiot rich with your hard earned money.
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