A distressing tale unfolds as an unsuspecting victim falls prey to a syndicate of scammers operating under the guise of “Terragroup,” with a staggering loss of over 3 million naira. The scammers went to great lengths, utilizing a genuine website and LinkedIn page of the registered Nigerian company “Terragroup” to deceive their victims.
The victim’s ordeal began innocently enough, receiving a WhatsApp message offering a part-time job opportunity for paid reviews on Google. The scammers, posing as representatives of the legitimate company Terragon, enticed the victim into their Telegram group, where tasks were rewarded with payments.
Initially, the victim earned N20,000 for completing 20 reviews, setting the stage for more lucrative tasks. The scammers introduced an investment element called “cash back,” where the victim invested varying sums, receiving returns with interest. However, the situation escalated when the scammers coerced the victim into larger investments, eventually leading to a loss of N3.2 million.
The scammers exploited the victim’s trust by using the actual Terragroup website and LinkedIn page, leaving her bewildered. The victim, seemingly under the influence or confused, transferred increasing amounts, exceeding her bank’s limit.
As the scam unraveled, the scammers revealed their syndicated nature, manipulating the victim into performing group tasks. The victim, discovering the collaboration, requested a refund of the 3.2 million naira. However, the scammers refused, demanding an additional 2 million naira for a supposed final task.
Despite the victim’s desperate attempts, the scammers persisted, taunting and mocking her. Investigations yielded some pictures and names of the culprits, though their authenticity remains uncertain.
The victim’s distressing loss, originally intended for a new venture after resigning from work, remains unrecovered. Even pleading with the scammers through her brother proved futile, with one member demanding inappropriate pictures before considering a refund.
Details of the scammer:
Account Name: Ashelo Ageshen Musa
Account Number: 8127955108
Bank: Moniepoint
Phone number: +880 1740-824237
Source: Instagram/scamexpress