Avoid the people that call or text you about job offers at NNPC. Engineer Kenneth – 08035573817 Madam Janet – ...Read more
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Shared on: December 22, 2021In: Jobs & Vacancies
Just last month, I got a message from a scammer claiming to be from Jobberman. I initially had doubts and ...Read more

Shared on: November 2, 2021In: Jobs & Vacancies
Lurking thieves like @globa_world_usheri and @globa_world_usherin on Instagram make the job space on social media a creepy place. Checking ...Read more

Shared on: September 24, 2021In: Jobs & Vacancies
This scammer will send you a message like the one below: ” STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ATTN:{XXXX XXXX XXXX}, I’m directed by the ...Read more
Shared on: April 15, 2021In: Jobs & Vacancies
The list below shows fake companies and venues, which have been confirmed by many job seekers, who have fallen victim ...Read more